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"A few of the many conditions and treatments with properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera"   For thousands of years people have ...

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How to Improve Anti-aging …Supplements Good for the Heart and Properly Stabilized Organic Aloe Vera.

Speaking of heart healthy supplements …if you are a smoker and/or exposed to second hand smoke …quitting and avoiding smoking is one of the best and fastest ways to improve your cardiovascular health. It has been shown that within two years of quitting …your heart rate and blood pressure will
return to near normal and just after 24 hours, your risk of a heart attack begins to decrease …so please stop smoking.

The following supplements have been found to support your healthy cardiovascular system in a very positive way.

Arginine …is an artery protecting amino acid that improves and boosts nitric oxide levels …nitric oxide relaxes your blood vessels and improves blood flow.

B-Vitamins …have been shown to lower homocysteine levels …which promotes high LDL (Bad Cholesterol) …homocysteine also irritates arteries and contributes to calcification and plaque formation …look for a B-Complex that provides all B-Vitamins …(Complex-B 100).

Coenzyme Q10 …has and boosts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties …provides energy for the heart cells and protects the heart cells from the damage of free radicals. As part of the aging process, our body’s ability to make Coenzyme Q10 declines …it’s recommended to supplement for those taking statin drugs.

L-theanine …is an amino acid abundant in the leaves of green tea. It has been shown in studies to lower stress, enhance relaxation and lower blood pressure.

Nattokinase …is a potent dietary enzyme with powerful blood clot-busting activity …like aspirin, it helps thin the blood …natto has been shown to lower high blood pressure.

And of course …properly stabilized organic aloe vera (Aloe Pure 5000) …in studies have shown to raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Probiotic (ProEnzyme) …in studies have shown to break down cholesterol thereby reducing cholesterol production …top cardiologist consider probiotics a primary weapon against heart disease.

Antioxidants …the super antioxidant (Grapeseed Complex Plus) containing grape seed, grape skin, glutathione and quercetin in tests show a lower incidence of stroke and decreased risks of heart attacks.

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