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Conditions and Treatment with Aloe Vera

"A few of the many conditions and treatments with properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera"   For thousands of years people have ...

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Gout-Uric Acid and Properly Stabilized Organic Aloe Vera

Gout is a condition that is caused from too much uric acid in the blood, joints, kidneys and other parts of body tissue.  When uric acids build-up, it forms crystals and causes pain and swelling in the joints.
 If uric acid crystallizes in the kidneys …stones are produced.

There are many causes of gout …including a long list of metabolic disorders …cancer, psoriasis, anemia, enzyme defects and kidney disease.  Cytotoxic drugs, lead poisoning and high fructose (sugar) consumption can also lead to gout.

Listen to the way Gout affects you so quickly!

Interestingly, the human body does not synthesize uric acid …all uric acid in the body comes from the production and secretion by fungi. All gout therapy must be aimed at lowering and reducing the fungal population in the body.

The big toe is one of the areas that

 acute gout settles.

In most cases …diet is very important in controlling, prevention and treatment of gout …losing weight is also helpful in reducing uric acid levels significantly …drinking plenty of filtered water (at least eight glasses) daily also helps …certain vegetables …celery, carrot, spinach, liquid chlorophyll and parsley in large amounts are recommended.

Try to avoid fruits and fruit juices as they are too high in sugar.

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and hawthorn berries are high in bioflavonoids and have the ability to neutralize uric acid.

Rich foods, coffee, sugar, white flour products, purine-rich foods, alcohol, red meat, sweetbread, shellfish, anchovies, herring, sardine, meat gravies, mussels, asparagus, fish, poultry, dried beans, lentils, peas, cauliflower, oatmeal and mushrooms are foods that aggravate gout.

We recommend supplements …vitamin-B complex, Vita-X-treme and of course properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera …a high end probiotic (ProEnzyme), and the super anti-oxidant ( Complex- 50 plus)

These supplements traditionally reduce and relieve gout joint pain with the added benefits of reducing both serum cholesterol along with uric acid levels. 

Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Treated With Aloe Vera

Two major gastrointestinal diseases …Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis fall into the term Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  Both have a strong connection to chronic fungal infections …and both
Crohn's Disease is primarily a disease of white
adults between the age of twenty and forty.
involve inflammation of the bowel.

Crohn’s disease is primarily a disease of white adults between the age of twenty and forty …although it can occur in both children and the elderly in some cases.

Crohn’s disease main signs and symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and fissures, abscesses, arthritis and weight loss …in some cases there may be inflammation of the liver, kidneys and different areas of the skin.

There are overlapping sign of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and symptoms in both conditions; however, the main cause is poorly understood by the main stream medical establishment.

The experts claim that the disease process involves the small bowel in 30% of patients …the colon in 15% and both small bowel and colon in 55% of patients.

Ulcerative colitis is the chronic inflammation disease that deteriorates the lining of the large bowel …mostly affecting females in the twenty – forty age groups.  Most often, the inflammation begins at the rectum and extends up through the colon …there is usually diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool …with sudden attacks by periods of remission are typical.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is the result of an allergy or hypersensitivity reaction to food by the colon …with these common offending foods …mild, wheat and yeast-containing foods …it’s also clear that chronic Candida or fungal infections increases food allergies.

Many victims of Inflammatory Bowel Disease can control symptoms simply by Life Style-Changes …eliminating lactose (milk sugar, starches, grains, yeast and refined carbohydrates from the diet).

Because of vitamin deficiencies …we recommend supplementing with a better than good multi-vitamin (Vita-x-tremes) …a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera (Aloe Pure 5000), significant probiotics (ProEnzymes) and the super antioxidant (Complex-50 Plus).

Lifestyle changes, diet and these recommended anti-fungal supplements have been documented to reverse inflammation in the gut.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Eczema and Aloe Vera

Eczema can be caused by many things; however the exact cause is a mystery.  Eczema can be caused
Eczema has also been associated
 with fungal infections.
by STRESS and other emotional factors …nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, low stomach acidity, low pancreatic digestive enzyme levels and other digestive abnormalities.

Eczema has also been associated with fungal infections.  If using antibiotics as a fungal treatment, the antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria that usually keep fungi like Candida Albicans at bay …allowing the unfriendly to flourish and get out of control.

As you already know from the other articles about Candida Albicans and other fungi …they secrete a toxin that can cause a long list of health problems …including eczema.

Eczema in most cases are usually treated with prescriptions with cortisone-based creams.  Dermatologist usually prefers to suppress eczema and other skin problems with assorted steroid lotions and creams.

For those suffering from eczema who wish to go the more natural approach in reversing eczema should begin with a diet as fresh and unrefined as possible …avoid chemicals as much as possible …avoid chlorinated tap water, animal products, processed foods, coffee, tea, alcohol and sugar in any form.  Even the sugar found naturally in fruit and soft drinks agitate eczema because sugar feeds bacteria, parasites and fungi such as Candida Albicans already present in the gastrointestinal tract.

On a strict trial bases …avoid dairy, eggs and animal products that may be loaded with drugs such as antibiotics, synthetic hormones, nitrates and other toxins …causing even more skin problems.

However, not all is lost …these nutrient supplements have a history of both treatment and prevention.

Essential fatty acids (salmon oil, primrose oil, flaxseed oil, black current seed oil) a high ranking multi-vitamin (Vita-x-tremes), B complex vitamin (Complex B-100), to name a few.

And one of the most effective treatments used for the past 20 years by Healthy Systems Nutritionals is the combination of the “best tasting aloe vera” in the industry …the properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera …the probiotic (ProEnzyme) and the super anti-oxidant (Complex-50 Plus), a formula using Bivon® Full Spectrum Grape Extract (skin and seeds), L-Glutathione, Quercetin and a Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Candida Albicans Connection With Other Conditions Treated With Aloe Vera

There is no universal test to prove Candida albicans is the sole cause of many health problems …
Candida albicans is the sole cause of
many health problems
however, blood tests show there is a connection to chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, vaginitis, infertility, loss of libido and a score of other debilitating conditions.

Some are saying recently, that the Candida/fungal connection now cover connections with heart disease, hyperlipidemia, cancer, gout, auto-immune disease and other age-related and degenerative disease.

When dealing with Candida albican/fungal and the chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia …all test show the same major symptoms …chronic fatigue, disturbance with sleep muscle and joint pain, flu-like symptoms, depression, anxiety and feeling like in a fog …the connection between Candida/fungal symptoms (Candidiasis) and chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia all show up the same.

More evidence show up the Candida/fungal through its production of mycotoxins, start many diseases by triggering inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract …leading to a condition known as “leaking gut syndrome."

The experts are now saying that the major killer diseases, cancer and heart disease are also connected to Candida/fungal mycotoxins.

When treating Candida/fungal infection with anti-fungal treatments …it’s also important to realize that many of the so called good foods that we eat daily are heavily colonized with fungi and mycotoxins …these include corn, peanuts, cashews …including barley, rye, wheat, rice and almost all cereal grains.

Another added thought …most all grain cereals when eaten are loaded with sugar or it is added to it with the meal.

A healthy immune system will attack any foreign invaders …bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi … or other potentially unfriendly invaders.

Many natural supplements may be helpful for both treatment and prevention … at Healthy Systems Nutritional we recommend with great success …properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera, probiotic (Pro Enzyme) and Complex-50 plus the (super antioxidant).