The use of a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera both topically and internally as a healing agent has become well known in the industry and has gained the trust of many renown researchers as well as the people on the street because of it's effective healing properties both topically and internally.
A properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera has the same healing power topically on a bad sun burn, cuts and bruises as it does internally with such digestive disorders as ulcers, colitis and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). All showing positive healing improvement when treated with a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera formula.
It's not uncommon to hear new reports, stories and testimonials coming in everyday with new and remarkable treatments being used very successfully ...even when the drugs of choice have failed.
As far back as 1963, a group of doctors documented their findings with patience who suffered with peptic ulcers treated with properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera reversed the ulcer problem. Their highly positive results created the impression that peptic ulcers could be delayed and possibly prevent the development of peptic ulcers.
Another highly successful study in 1963 involving a variety of bacteria strains ...Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus pyogenes, Corynebacterium xerosis, Shigella para dystenteriae, Salmonella
typhosa and Salmonella paratyphi was all successfully treated with properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera. These test have proven over and over, time and time again that Aloe Vera, when properly stabilized is the most broad spectrum anti-bacterial product ever tested.
In the 70's another research group was very successful showing that a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera was positive against Candida albicans, the yeast like fungus responsible for the common yeast infection. This is good news because it is now believed that Candida is responsible for many conditions such as Chronic Fatigue, Figromyalgia and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
With the advances in alternative medicine in the new millennium, properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera is sure to be one of the super stars of the industry as new data keeps pouring in as an important healing plant without all the poisons and harmful toxic side effects.
It could be said that more research, clinical application and hands on testing have been done with properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera in the last decade than in the previous half century combined and we are just getting started.
And as you might have read in many of our articles, it is always enjoyable to drink your properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera with flavor ...known as the "Best Tasting Aloe Vera!"